تأسس مركز محو أمية الكبار في مقاطعة أوزوكي (ALC) في عام 1988 كمهمة للكنيسة اللوثرية في جرافتون. في البداية ، كان أولئك الذين قدموا إلى المركز بحاجة إلى المساعدة في القراءة وملء طلبات العمل وتعلم التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية. في 7 مايو 2013 ، أصبح مركز محو أمية الكبار 501c3 مستقل. تواصل Grace Lutheran دعمها من خلال توفير المساحات المكتبية ، وغرف التدريس ، والمرافق ، وخدمات الهاتف والإنترنت.
Founded in 1988, the Adult Literacy Center of Ozaukee County (ALC) began as a mission of Grace Lutheran Church in Grafton to help individuals with reading, completing job applications, and learning to speak English. To expand its service in the community, ALC became an independent nonprofit 501(c)3 organization in 2013. Over the years, ALC has grown to include GED study, citizenship preparation and general education support. Grace Lutheran continues its support by providing office space, tutor rooms, utilities, phone and internet services, keeping administrative costs at a minimum.

We focus on one-to-one tutoring sessions instead of a group environment, allowing tutors and students to set individualized goals. ALC serves English Language Learners, individuals preparing to become citizens of the United States, GED candidates, those in need of college support and adult basic education.

Why Literacy Matters
Low literacy skills impact employability, income level, parenting and health. A parent with low literacy skills is more likely to have a child who has poor grades, behavioral issues and may eventually drop out (Wisconsin Literacy). According to the National Coalition on Literacy, improving basic adult education skills could save $200 billion in government support programs. A better educated workforce means an increase in workplace efficiency, higher income, families who are more independent and children with a brighter future. To learn more, visit Wisconsin Literacy.
ALC collaborates with Concordia University Wisconsin and Milwaukee Area Technical College – Mequon to assist international, ESL and GED students in navigating their college careers.
ALC is a proud member of:
Belgium Chamber of Commerce
Grafton Chamber of Commerce
Ozaukee Nonprofit Center
United Way of Northern Ozaukee County
Wisconsin Literacy